Storm Preparation Tips

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Florida Emergency Property Repairs & Restoration

At ServiceMaster DSI, we believe that your utmost safety is necessary, and that’s why you need to be aware of important storm preparation tips. Homeowners and business owners must take every extra precaution that is available to protect their home and business from the devastating storm or hurricane. 

We have prepared some helpful storm preparation tips to help you ensure yours and your family’s safety.

When disaster strikes, ServiceMaster DSI is here to help with complete property damage restoration services in Florida; call (239) 431-9947 for a free, on-site inspection.

What to Do Before a Storm Strikes?

Prepare These Necessary Things:

Emergency Phone Numbers

Write down emergency phone numbers such as:

Keep the numbers somewhere where you can easily see it, like on the refrigerator or near every phone in your house. Program them in your mobile phone, too. 

Emergency Supplies

Gather and prepare an emergency supply kit that contains essentials, such as:

These essentials will come in handy at these difficult times during the storm. 

Information on Storm and Disaster Restoration Companies

In case of structural damage in your home or property, it’s best to keep the contact information of a Florida storm damage restoration company. Call ServiceMaster DSI at (239) 431-9947.

Equipping for the Hurricane/Storm

ServiceMaster DSI will help you prepare and equip for the storm. We provide these disaster response services:
Here are some additional things you need to do before the storm arrives:

Although these precautions cannot ensure the full safety of your home or business, they can at least help you prepare for what’s to come. It’s always better to be safe and prepared all the time. An IIRC-certified company, such as ServiceMaster DSI, will give you around-the-clock attention, and our 24-hour emergency team will work tirelessly to get things back to normal. 

If you need post-hurricane property repairs in Florida, contact us right away at (239) 431-9947 for a free, on-site inspection.